
February 1, 2010

Hamming it up for Survelliance

Big Brother is everywhere. Including right as you walk into most stores,
survelliance cameras tracking the ins and outs of the customers.

But look at those cameras next time through the eyes of a 2 year old - who of course loves to see himself on "tv". (As I mentioned last week here.) That's right, we walk into Target, and he spots the camera, stops and begins waving and laughing at himself.

Quite entertaining to the folks walking into the store, not so funny to the Mommy who is trying to make a quick Target run.

I do have to say that a few weeks ago when we were at Kohl's and he was "performing" for the camera... it was a great way to keep him entertained while Daddy stood in a LONG line to pay.


  1. If there is a camera for him to perform in front of, I'm sure he'll find it! Nice he shares his antics with the LP for stores too :)

  2. Yes! We get the very same thing when we walk into stores. I hear screams of "Mommy on TV! Jackson on TV! TyTy on TV! Chasey on TV!" LOL
