
February 17, 2010

The Gang's All Here

Really quick a potty training update - it was a rough day at Day Care for Drew on the Potty Training front.  He was about 50%.  I knew it was bad when Ms. Stephanie called and asked "what do you want me to do with the poopy undies...."

I've seen more of my friends from high school in the past 2 months than I have in more than 5 years!  Another member of the high school gang  (Jennie) was coming up to Northern California for a visit - and well that just means we have a reason to get everyone back together again.

After going round and round about where we should meet up, we decided on Skippolini's once again.  Not only was it centrally located for the out of towners, but no one else could come up with a better suggestion.  Getting a table for 9 people on a Friday night - Valentine's weekend, no less was interesting, but it all worked out. 

Around 10pm, two of us were forced to move their car thanks to Walnut Creek Parking nazi's.  So what do we do? We decided to snap a picture of all of us while they were gone (at least on my camera).  Sorry Jason & Heather!

 In all fairness there was a group shot taken with EVERYONE, but the busboy who took that shot had a hard enough time with a single camera (not mine obviously) that it wasn't worth having him snap away on the other four cameras that were lined up - I'm sure mine was #4.

But I tried to make up for it with a picture of Jenn & Heather.  If your curious they're fellow bloggers! 


Another great night, this time lasting until the wee hours of the morning - well that's what 1am is for me these days - but it was just like the 1994.  You know, when we'd go for a bite to eat at Lyons after a hard night of work at Brenden Theatres...

Only this time the ladies were talking about breast feeding, deliveries, kids and husbands - while the guys... well they just drank.  Probably to block out the talk amongst us women.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, thanks for the pics!! It was so much fun, can't wait to do it again...hopefully it won't be another 6 years!
