
February 12, 2010

Operation: Potty Training

You've read that right. This weekend we're starting a new chapter in our parenting skills, Operation: Potty Training.

Commencing tomorrow morning we will see if we can get the potty thing to "click" with Drew. Right now he enjoys wearing his underwear, but will come and tell us he has to go potty AFTER he's already gone.

I'm not expecting miracles, like going #2 or staying dry at naptime or bedtime. That I know will take time.

But my goal is to load Drew up with liquids, set the timer for 15 minutes and make him sit on the potty - regardless of whether he has to go. And see how long that works for us. From there I will stretch it out to 30 minutes etc.

I plan to have the mop and Resolve carpet cleaner ready to go. I expect a VERY long weekend and a lot of wine by the end of the night - for the parents of course.

Expect plenty of horror stories by Monday!

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