
May 1, 2009

Sick Day

Drew came home early from day care today after puking all over Ms. Stephanie. There's no clear reason yet why she was showered in vomit, but ironically Ms. Stephanie had put some Swine Flu information into Drew's bag today. (for the record it was informative stuff that all the kids got - my kid was the only one to puke though).

So I get Drew home, while he's still sleeping. But the moment we walk through the door - it's like there were alarm bells only he could hear. He was now wide awake. Despite my continued efforts to get the kid back to sleep - so Mommy could work - Drew refused.

Instead he put on quite a show that we'll spread over a few days. Here he shows off his singing skills - Old McDonald:

Tonight I took Drew's temperature right before his bath - and it was up to 100. We'll keep an eye on it. Oh, and I managed to get that temp about 2 minutes before he peed all over me. NICE!

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