
May 8, 2009

Go Dodgers!

I'm being brave in writing this latest blog in the heart of SF Giants territory... but for our loyal SoCal Fans....

Drew has grown up an LA Dodgers fan. So on Wednesday morning after the Dodgers tied an MLB record for the longest starting winning streak for home games, Drew had to throw it back into the SF Giant's faces. Oh, and for the record, they broke it later that night.

For those that are having a hard time making out what it says on his shirt... "It's not my diaper that stinks... it's the Giants!"

Take that one Uncle Matt! Haha

And yes I know all about the Manny drama. That all unfolded after I originally wrote this blog. No need to remind us :)

1 comment:

  1. What a Great Blog and photo! Go Dodgers! I love my little boy.
