
May 16, 2009

Unusual Milestones

Trust me on this one... you don't want to see the photo of this first milestone! And even if you did - I'd probably get arrested for kiddie porn.

Since I was pregnant, I've received email updates from a number of websites - including BabyCenter. In the early days, it would be about Drew's development while he was all warm and cozy in my belly. Now I get weekly updates on different things he is likely to be doing for his specific age. From time to time there other emails with articles covering everything from discipline tips, to potty training tips and readiness signs.

This week I open an email about unusual milestones. The first part seemed innocent enough -

What: Sees in stereo
When: 2 to 4 months

2 What: First true laugh
When: 4 to 5 months

3 What: Knows her own name
When: 5 to 8 months

Then I come across number 4......

4 What: Plays with privates
When: 1 to 2 years

By this age, many children have discovered that it feels good to touch their privates. It's all sensation at this point. They won't be angry at you for barging into the room without knocking for a long time yet.

This is a straight copy & paste from their newsletter... and I couldn't stop laughing when I first read this!

Um, is Drew a genius because he started playing with his privates before he turned 1? Seriously he'd play with it during diaper changes, or mostly in the shower when he was only taking showers vs. baths.

Wow, who knew I should be measuring that as a milestone! Um, it's one I'll leave out of the babybook for sure!

Oh, and according to the same newsletter article - he won't start to show modesty until around 8 or 9 years old.... so be prepared until then for a peep show.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't looked at the blog for a while. Just love all the pictures. Little people are such fun. I remember my little ones as if it was yesterday. Can't wait to see Drew when he stays with grammy this week. Love you all!!!! GG
