
May 20, 2009

Daddy & Drew Day - a.k.a Mommy Time

For current updates on Drew's adventures - visit Camp Grammy here.

Daddy & Drew played so hard together on Saturday they wiped out the poor guy - and his little friend "Guy". Mommy had the day "off" to go do some scrapbooking so Daddy and Drew tried to beat the heat and played in the inflatable pool in the backyard.

When the 90-degree temps started scorching the two of them, they came inside for lunch - which Drew started to fall asleep while eating - and then took naps.

After nap part 1, they had a cold beverage - milk that is - and continued onto nap part 2. Guess those hot temperatures take it's toll on little boys.

Finally when Mommy came home from scrapbooking - she walked into a sleepy Drew cuddling with his little animal - Guy. Yes, that's the name Drew named this particular stuffed animal.

Mommy on the other hand had a fabulous day of scrapbooking from Noon - 8pm (ok more like 8:30pm). I joined my friend Lisa, and her Mom & friend at her house. It was a fantastic day, and everyone really had those creative juices flowing.

I managed to finish about 6 pages in that time. Here's a sample:

This last picture is actually 2 separate pages - not a spread. One is for Drew's book, and one is for mine.