
May 17, 2009

Heyyyyy Drew-butt-sky

For several months, GrampC has called our little guy - Drewbutzky One family dinner in February GrampC kept yelling out "Heyyyyy Drew-butzky"!

Drew would in turn respond, "Heyyyyy butt-key!" Well GrampC, here's your Butzky for you, running bare bottomed down the hallway.

See it turns out diaper changes are becoming more and more challenging. Drew likes to wiggle his way out of it, and give you the funniest smirks. This particular night last week, I decided to let him run around for a few minutes with out a diaper.

He loved his new-found freedom. He raced up and down the hallway, giggling at everything bouncing and running free. After about 10 minutes of playing chase-Drew-up-and-down-the-hallway-with-the-camera, we managed to wrangle him up and fully cover him up.

We would afterall, like to avoid an indoor sprinkler.

1 comment:

  1. That is adorable! I love little kid tushies! We let Zach run around naked after his shower. He'll run and find the parent who did not participate in bathtime and smack his belly and say, "I'm naked!!" Too cute! And we have not been so lucky to avoid the indoor sprinkler, but at least he'll dinf us and lead us to the spot and tell us all about it! LOL
