
May 14, 2009

Stuck Between a Tree & a Hard Place

You've heard the cliche, "Stuck between a rock and a hard place". Drew took that to a whole new level last weekend while camping...

That's right, while playing "chase GrampC" Drew thought it would be kind of fun to walk through a tree. Problem is, that tree tried to gobble him up!

After GrampC came to the rescue, Drew was ready to rock and roll some more. Notice how Mommy & Daddy kept the camera rolling and just laughed at him? Yes, yet another nomination for parents of the year! I mean we couldn't let a blog-worthy video like that get by us now could we?


  1. Waaaaa! I can't see the video!

  2. hahahahahaha.....
    I love that you just kept recording!
    Man, was he pissed or what?

  3. I love this! Quite the adventurer!!!
