
April 30, 2009

Troubles with Mr. Sandman

For the past 2 weeks Drew has had sleeping issues - which means Mommy & Daddy are too. Not only at night, but nap time as well.

At night he refuses to go to his room, and either needs to lay in our bed and fall asleep or on the couch (a habit I HATE to start). Sometimes we're able to carry him to his crib without any trouble - other times, we're not so fortunate, and start the routine all over again.

And nap time is a bear too. Ms. Stephanie, our Day Care Provider says he's screaming for up to 30 minutes in his pack-n-play, before she'll bring him back downstairs. On Wednesday the only way Drew slept was for her to hold him - that gave her a little over an hour nap out of him.

She and I are all too familiar with what happens when Drew gets too upset - we've both cleaned up that puke punishment we're given. Thankfully the last few days, he'll at least sleep for an hour-and-a-half in his boppy downstairs. Mostly on the weekends, his nap consists of a car ride while we're running errands.

I've asked the doctor about his sleeplessness at his 18-month well check - as you may recall we were awakened for several hours a night around that time because of Drew's troubles with Mr. Sandman. Doctor said they go through phases, and he'll get sleep when he needs it.

What about the parents? I miss the days when he was sleeping 11+ hours a night. Right now we're lucky to get 8 or 9. UGH! Oh, and I've gone back to the book "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child" to see what he has to say.. and he says let him cry for up to an hour (um, won't work for my puker) or to try doing what we already are by laying with him.

Anyone else have any remedies? Last night I tried to do a chair by the crib, and comfort him, but when the all too familiar gagging started with the coughs... back to the couch we went. It was a good night - I was able to put him in his crib after he slept.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had some advice, but I would probably do the same thing you're doing since he's a puker. I wouldn't want to deal with that at ALL. What I did with Z is establish a routine and I never divert from it. It's bath/jammies, then milk while watching tv, then brush teeth, then read books in his chair in his room, then lights out, rock a few more minutes and put him in the crib. I turn on his FP aquarium and he's done. Also, I have a sound machine going and he has his pa-poo (pacifier), which is given as soon as we start book time. That's just what I do, but again...he doesn't retaliate with pukage, sooooo I dunno. I hope it passes quickly!
