
March 30, 2010

Spring Fever - Afternoon at the Park

So we're one of "those" parents who send our kid to the playground when he's not feeling 100%.  Who can blame Drew for wanting to be outside - he's been acting normal despite the fever - and the weather was absolutely spectacular this weekend.

So when he asked to play outside with Dave on Saturday, and I needed to get some cleaning done a trip to the park sounded perfect to everyone.  Especially since there was a Little League game going on, and Drew loves to watch them.  Saturday was no exception.

After the game ended Drew hit up the playground.

He even climbed up the rock climber...

And when he was feeling really brave he went down the big scary tunnel slide on the big kid area of the playground...
Of course this was the one and only time that this happened.  I guess it went a little too fast for him, and he was too nervous to try again.

Needless to say the one hour that they were at the park, was really productive for everyone.  I managed to get a good chunk of housecleaning done and Drew exerted enough energy.  Unfortunately the fever did come back after their trip.  We were hoping it was just a lot of sun.. no such luck.

On the flip side - today Drew is back at Day Care and was fine for most of yesterday.  Even refused to nap - oh lucky me.

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