
November 23, 2009

Reenactment from "Big Daddy"

Have you ever seen the movie "Big Daddy" starring Adam Sandler. Yesterday morning while I was trying to fold some laundry in Drew's room, we had a reenactment from the flick.

The Movie:
The scene I'm talking about is right after the little boy wakes up from his nap and asks for the "Kangaroo Song"/Video.

Picture it: 6:30 am. I stripped Drew's bed (mattress on the floor) and he saw it as the perfect trampoline. He had just had a bunch of grape juice to drink.

The bouncing stops, and he walks to the foot of his bed, where he spit up a little. I thought he just had a "wet burp" or something. Nope, the entire sippy (or two) of grape juice comes spewing out.

Yup, lovely grape juice jumpy puke all over our cream color carpet - NICE! I'll spare you the photo for this one.

1 comment:

  1. NOOOOO!!! Oh Brenda. Did you get it out or will Drew be getting a room makeover soon?
