
November 16, 2009

My First Blog Award!

And the award goes to..... The Briseno Family Adventures!

That's right I received my first blog award courtesy of my friend Helen. I've spoken about her a few times, giving her kudos for her helping me save a few dollars in the way I shop (she has a spectacular shopping skill and she shares how she does it every Saturday on her blog), and again this week for her "Cans for Comments Drive".

She's one of my "online" friends that I met through Weight Watchers. See she and I were pregnant at the same time and joined in with a group of other girls. However her situation was a bit different than mine (and the others of the group). She found out she was expecting identical triplets! OK the identical part was realized after they were born, but man does she have stories to tell.

For the record, yes I've met her and her boys in real life too.

So in my thank you speech, I'd like to thank Helen who I think is an awesome blogger - for thinking my blog is worthy of such an award. I can't wait to see you guys again in March!

So here are the rules:
  1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link to their blog.
  2. Share 10 honest things about yourself.
  3. Present this award to 7 other whose blogs you find brilliant in design or content.
  4. Tell those 7 people they have been awarded.
Now onto the 10 honest things about me:
  1. Once I pop, I can't stop. Some people have a problem with chocolate, mine is potato chips. Guess that's how I ended up on Weight Watchers ;)
  2. I think a job as a wedding photographer or planner would be awesome. As long as I didn't have any bridezillas.
  3. I went to college for Broadcast Journalism, and thought I'd found my lifelong passion. I was mistaken and now couldn't be happier in my current career.
  4. I always thought I'd marry a tall man, but again I was wrong and couldn't be happier with my decision.
  5. I've become sentimental in my "old" age, and the smallest, stupidest things will make me tear up and get emotional. I used to despise that about girls when they did that, but I've now become one of them, darn it.
  6. I knew I was always good under pressure and can handle intense situations, but it wasn't until Drew burned his hands I realized how "in control and strong" I could be when it mattered. I know a lot of people would have lost it before I did. It's a quality about myself I really admire.
  7. Because I have a blog and everyone knows everything about what's going on in our lives, I'm stressing about what this year's Christmas letter will be.
  8. I have a couple of magazine subscriptions, but I can't for the life of me read the suckers. I'd rather read a book if given the chance.
  9. When asked where I'm from I still say Minnesota - even though I haven't lived there since the 7th grade! Although I could never imagine living anywhere again besides California... although Arizona would be a possibility.
  10. I'd love to take one year and travel the country living out of an RV, and preferably before retirement. I think my kids would learn a lot from the experience (no that's not an announcement about more kids).

And the award is passed on to:
  • Heather at Romios Party of Four - I have known her since High School and her blogs constantly crack me up. The things that happen to her are so random (my favorite is the drivers license photo).
  • Jennie at Press Family, Girls 0, Boys 3 - Again, another high school friend, and outnumbered in her house... 4 men/boys. She recently had twin boys, who are too precious. Her sense of humor is always cracking me up while I read up on her life.
  • Chrissy - her blog is set to private, but I love reading up on her family. Again she's outnumbered with triplet boys and her husband. She is one of my oldest friends that I still keep in touch with. She's touched my life in so many ways, that I had to give her a shout too.
  • Helen at Three Times the Giggles - OK is it possible to give the award back? I seriously love reading your blog, and catching up on the little stories (even if I heard about them already LOL). I really admire everything you do, and how well you handle it. If it's against the "rules" to give the award back, oops.
OK so I didn't hit the 7 mark, but I wanted to stick with people I knew and read up on their blogs on a regular basis.

Happy Blogging!


  1. Thanks for the award!
    As for #7, just send out a card and sign it: please refer to and read through the entire year to know what we've been up to.

  2. Aww, thanks for all the nice things you said about me Brenda!

    Oh and about the whole crying thing... I don't think it's "old" age - I think it's motherhood! I've been the same way ever since becoming pregnant. It's like my hormones won't calm down. And I TOTALLY used to make fun of my mom for crying at Hallmark commercials. Now that's me! LOL! Can't wait to see you in March!

  3. Hey thanks for the award!!! Some days I think it would be nice to have a job so I could blog more ;-) like I used to!

  4. My vote... send a card to most, and the be selective as I'm sure you still send to some people who do not read your blog and and would love to know what goes on in your life with Drew. What else do you have to do with all your spare time? lol
