
November 18, 2009

East Coast Family Time

It was so great to travel with the entire family - and really get good quality time together. It's not too often I'm able to fly with both Dave and Drew. In fact, this was only the third time we flew as a family - I get to fly solo all the time. So it was a real treat. Only downfall... this was the first time we had to buy Drew a ticket (kids fly free on your lap until 2 years old).

Drew did great on the flights - we had a layover in Atlanta, and Drew was quite the trooper. The only time he'd fuss on the plane was when he couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep.

Speaking of sleep, we took a unique route to getting Drew to sleep in his own bed during our travels. Since Drew is sleeping on his crib mattress on the floor at home, so we decided to pull the hide-a-bed mattress off the couch, and lay it on the floor. It was perfect. Not only for sleeping, but apparently for jumping as well. It worked out to be the perfect trampoline for the kids too.

OK back to the fun stuff. Here are some pictures of the three of us at the wedding (apparently that's the only time we snapped pictures of the three of us). I have to say, the Bluemont Winery made a beautiful backdrop.

And by the end of the night Drew had enough. He conked out about an hour before the wedding ended. I guess that's what a 20-minute nap gets you.

Please keep the comments coming! For every comment left on my blog this week, it means a can is donated to a local food bank. Don't be shy... comment away. Read here for all the information on this drive.


  1. Such great pictures Brenda! I love the family one :)

    I can't wait to take a family trip somewhere - even if it's just a road trip. It just looks like so much fun!

  2. These are such great pics of you Brenda! You look really, really beautiful! Love Drew's wedding snazzy, and love the one of him conked out on have such a sweet smile on your face!

  3. I believe you missed one VERY important pic...
