
November 20, 2009

Friday Funny

Here's a Friday Funny courtesy Drew...

On our way to Virginia last weekend, Dave took Drew with him to the bathroom during our Atlanta layover. Well in the Men's public restrooms, you all know there are urinals.

Pointing to Dave's manhood as Dave is finishing is business here's how the conversation goes:

Drew: "Daddy all done potty. That's Daddy's tail."
Dave: "Is that daddy's ookiepook?"
Drew: "No Daddy has a tail"
Dave: "Does Drew have a tail?"
Drew: "No Drew have Ookiepook."

Dave came out of the restroom laughing. My first response when he told me about their conversation, "Did anyone else hear?" Nope, apparently they took the very last urinal far enough from other gentlemen... heaven forbid this conversation would have been about a stranger's "tail".

Kids say the darndest things.
Alright everyone I need those comments! Today is the last day of the Cans for Comments Drive. My goal is to reach 31 - I'm 10 away. You have until midnight tonight to comment on any blog, and turn it into good for local Bay Area Families who are hungry this time of year. I will donate one can for every comment left until midnight tonight.


  1. Great story!!! I was LMAO!
    How in the world did you come up with the name "ookiepook??" Of all things...I can picture a slightly different convo when he's 17 years old with his girlfriend..."Hey baby, wanna see my ookiepook?"

  2. I love your Amish kid in that pic!!
