
June 3, 2010

The Joy of Laughter

It's hard to put into words what a great gift it is to hear your child laugh.  I remember when Drew laughed for the first time (December 2007) and how wonderful that sound was.  Of course Dave and I simply wanted to make him laugh over and over again.

More than two years later I still can't get enough of those belly laughs.  The other night Drew was just a little giggle monster!  All he wanted was for us to make him laugh - whether it was by chasing him, tickling him, or saying silly things.  I sat back for a moment, taking it all in - savoring that moment.

At this age you're usually faced with the "terrible 2's" and while we've had our share of that "stage" for the better part of a year, it's these giggles and smiles that make all the pain and suffering worth it!

Now to leave you with a little chuckle of your own - here's a shot of Drew tanning in the sun while camping last weekend.  He did this spontaneously one morning - Cracked us up!


  1. That was pretty funny. He wanted to tan his legs so they were not so white when he went to the pool. Love this kid!
