
May 7, 2010

My 2 Year Old Read to Me!

I've mentioned before that our Day Care Provider - Ms. Stephanie has been working with Drew on his sight words.  He knows more than 60 words by sight alone - he can spell a good about a third of them too.

Last weekend at the garage sale, my parents were getting rid of an old/extra copy of a Dr. Seuss classic.

Drew was busy for the entire garage sale playing with items he never touches at home or at Grammy's.  So in his "digging" he spotted this book and recognized some of the words on the cover from his flashcards and various movies.

As a little experiment, I had him read me this story.  We opened the first page (which repeats the title), and he spotted a few words right off the bat - "red" and "blue".  Then I had him follow my finger as he actually read the words in the right order.

He read about 6 or 7 pages before he started to get antsy and hit a few harder words.  So off he went to dig into more stuff we were trying to get pawn off on other people.

My Mom is my witness - he was literally reading this book.  Is it too soon to send our applications to Ivy League Schools?

1 comment:

  1. I was shocked at how he was reading the words. He will definately be ready for pre-school!
