
October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Kady!

It was one year ago today, that I snuck into the hallway strolled the halls of Delta Sutter and heard my little niece make her grand entrance into the world. Now she's showing Drew that she'll be giving him a run for his money in the near future.

On Saturday we celebrated her big birthday at my Sister's new apartment (well they moved in July - this was the first time we'd seen it). It was a fantastic day for a party, the sun was out and it was quite warm actually.

I'll let her post the majority of the pictures and tell the story, but from our side... Drew LOVED sharing Kady's new couch with her. In fact he kept trying to boss her back to sit by him, but you know women... they have a mind of their own.

Like any normal toddler, Drew was very excited about presents - in fact he was more excited about Kady's than his own only a month ago. We did our best to keep him away and prevent him from taking the tissue paper out of the bags.

However once the presents were all opened, he spotted "the one" that he wanted to leave with - and I mean walk out the door at that very moment and take it home!

Yes, it's an indoor ball pit. I guess we're cheap and we convert his blow-up pool into a ball pit in the winter. But now that he's "2", he's ready for the big kid ball pit - and one with Tinkerbell no less!

Guess Aunt Connie was onto something when she said we'll have to make sure to add that to his Christmas list - sans Tinkerbell of course.

Then it was time for the cake. And while Kady wasn't so sure of it, Drew was in the background cheering her on, busting out with "You can do it!" at the most perfect moment. Of course there were a few chuckles from the crowd - this kid has comedic timing down to an art.

Kady on the other hand was like Drew when it came to the cake - she made a small dent, no smashing or mess.

It was a wonderful party, and it has to be said - it's so much nicer to attend these family birthday parties than throw them. Much less stress!

1 comment:

  1. What determination Drew had! Such mean parents telling him after working so hard that he couldn't have the ball pit. Gave us all a good laugh!
