
August 23, 2010

What the Freak!?!

Bear with me... today I'm going to rant and rave a bit about someone who apparently has ZERO common courtesy, in hopes that you'd never do this to another parent.

Yesterday we were at Michael's because for one they were having a sale, and two I had some birthday money and gift cards to use.  So when we pull into the parking lot Dave purposely parked the car at the complete end lot.  Where no one ever wants to park... as far as possible from the store and right up to the street.  There were only a smattering of cars there.

Fast forward to when we're leaving with our purchases and I'm getting Drew buckled into his seat.  This I admit is always a production because well he's two and operates on Drew time.  Not Mommy time.  Not Daddy time.  Not even turtle time... much slower.  So anyway he finally settles in his seat and I'm starting to buckle him in and there's this blaring BEEEEEEPPPPPPP!

Some middle aged, white SUV driving, 80s hairdo beotch just freaking honked at me because my door was open so she couldn't park in the spot next to us.  Um there were about 30 spots where we were near, but she had to rudely honk at us?!  I was fuming!!!  Thankfully all that popped out of my mouth was "Good Golly" since my oh so parrot-like child repeated my statement for the next 20 minutes.

I mean if you had to park in that very spot, give a courtesy half honk or better yet, wait 10-seconds for me to finish strapping the child in.  It's not my fault you're driving a vehicle too big for you to park and you needed that space.

Well I said the words out of my mouth were innocent... my husband's not so much.  Of course I tried to say something to the lady after she parked but it was quite obvious she was trying to "look busy" in her car.  Searching for some invisible piece of lint most likely.  Dave rolled down all of the car windows to wait to tell her off.  Of course after about a 4 minute standoff we decided to leave.  That's when evil middle aged beotch decided to make her exit.  Dave yelled out the window at her as we passed by her in the street - thankfully the parrot-like child didn't repeat his statement.  Drew was stuck on "good golly".

We figure she didn't realize I was in fact strapping a child in the back seat, and when she realized it she felt about the size of a flea.  I hope karma bites her in the butt for sure.

Enough of my rant... and so that I don't leave you with such a sour post, here's a shot of Drew pretending he's a "spinner" - his term for a windmill.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I *almost* feel badly laughing at this post, but I figure you must be laughing by now ;)
