
October 22, 2010

Unplanned Parent/Teacher Conference

So Drew is *that* child.  He got in trouble a few times at school and last week his teacher requested we join her for a meeting to discuss Drew's behavior when we both returned from our travels (I had to work in SoCal, Dave in Atlanta).

Last week he threw a HUGE fit because he didn't want to wash his hands.  It lead to a nearly 2 hour tantrum and screaming fit - which made him pee his pants.

This week, he freaked out when someone stole his tissue for erasing the whitebaord, so he hunted said child down and slugged him.  This lead to a time out that he didn't want to take and then being passed from his teacher to another to force him to take his time out.

Needless to say - Drew's stubborn, strong willed.  So yesterday we met with his teacher shortly before school and she requested we all get on the same page with Drew and use what they have at school - the 3 C's: Command, Choice and Consequence.

The command is pretty obvious, the choice is to get Drew to do what we ultimately want him to do (wash hands/ go to Time Out) but giving him the choice to wash his hands in "this sink" or "that sink".  Hop to time out or walk to time out.  If nothing works then offer to have us assist him with the issue - which his teacher says is not likely to happen.

So we're going to test this out at home and continue to battle through his attempt to get the upper hand.  I don't think so Mister!  We're also going to create a sticker chart for him at school so he can be rewarded for good behavior - since it's working out pretty well at home!

Since this is sort of a downer of a post, here's a sneak preview of Drew in his Halloween Costume - he tried it on yesterday morning before school.

Sorry about the grainy picture -- it was from Dave's phone.  Apparently it was a bit sleepy yet at that hour and well, jet lag. hehe

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