
October 8, 2010

School Age Gripes

One of the things that fires me up is when someone "suggests" that I should hold Drew back from Kindergarten because his birthday is in September.  I've had people "suggest" doing this when Drew was an infant, I'm talking maybe 6 weeks old.  My standard answer is "We'll see how things are when he's closer to school age," although I had to chuckle that I was given this advice LONG before my child was even out of diapers.

About a week ago, Governor Schwarzenegger signed a bill stating that kids entering school in 2014 must be 5 by September 1st (today in California it's December 2nd).  Drew will be 5 in 2012 - so legally he could enter Kindergarten a few weeks before he turns 5.

I still hold that I want to assess Drew closer to when he starts school.  Three years after receiving my first comment that I should hold Drew back, I believe academically he'll be fine, so it's the social side I want to make sure he's ready for.  This is why he's in Preschool and we've seen some enormous improvements where this is concerned.

But I don't need any outside influence, lectures or discussions about how "Little Johnny" has social issues at this school or that.  Deciding when to send your child to school I feel is a personal decision and is more than just a date.  It's about the individual child. 

If I feel he's ready I'll send him.  If I don't or his teachers say he's absolutely not ready then I won't.  But I don't need some outsider telling me what's right for my child.  Sorry.  I was a summer baby, and was always one of the youngest kids in my class (as was my brother).  We did fine socially and academically.  My sister who is a Spring baby probably struggled the most in school, but there was no reason to think about holding her back.  My parents, both started school at 4 going on 5 - they survived no known scars.  (yeah that was a long time ago and things are different now... blah blah blah).

All I'm saying is mind your P's and Q's about whether I should or shouldn't send my 3 year old to Kindergarten when he's 4 going on 5.  I have another 2 years before we need to make any final decisions and of course we'll consult his teachers for their unbiased opinion.  It would be great if we all had a crystal ball and could see what the future holds...  whether our children are better off starting school at 4, 5 or 6.  So until you have that crystal ball and can tell me for certain which decision will be the best, please refrain from unsolicited comments.

Thank you - this former Honor Roll/Deans List Summer Baby

So this isn't just a frustrated mama venting post... here's a picture I was sent earlier this week while on my way home from Orlando.  Daddy took Drew to get a haircut.  We're officially past the stage of screaming, crying, vomit-filled haircut sessions.


  1. Like so many decisions we have to make as parents - it's a crap shoot. You have to go with what is the correct decision at the time. And hopefully 5-10 years down the road it still is.

  2. How handsome is Drew in this picture?!?! Good work, Daddy! I agree with you 110%, Brenda, it's still to early to make that decision- for ANYONE!! You and Dave are doing great and it is evident in that Drew is happy, healthy, on target for his age (well actually above!) so I have the utmost faith that you will continue to do the best in his interest for the rest of his life. Glad you got this off your chest and just ENJOY the preschool years without "stressing" over it yet... let him live and be a kid!!
