
October 30, 2010

Mommy and Drew Day - Backfires

What started out as such a great Mommy and Drew day, ended so wrong.  The first part was great, but then I made the mistake of taking Drew to the Pumpkin Patch, where they had a few crummy, but expensive rides.  I told him he could pick one, but then after that we needed to pick out a pumpkin.

He took his one ride in the jumphouse.  Fine.  Problem was, the child saw more, and I told him no, that he picked his one and so that was all (at this a mother and grandmother standing nearby got quite the chuckle).  Well you would've thought I told the child he couldn't eat for a week, when the whining and crying began when I escorted him out of the patch.  The fit he threw was unlike any other I'd ever seen him throw.  I actually looked around to see if anyone was giving me those evil stares, you know - taking your plate number in case you're trying to kidnap this child who's throwing such a fit he doesn't want to leave with this "stranger".

After releasing him from the stroller  (I pat myself on the back for restraining him in there as long as I did), he went wild in the make-shift parking lot.  Ran around crazy refusing to get in the car.  I had to hold him down with a knee to get him buckled in, he was thrashing around so much.  Oh and the screaming and kicking on the way home.  I can't tell you how many times he told me "I don't like you anyways".  I just laughed and said "I feel the same right now".  Eventually I stopped talking to him because it was just firing him up more, and making me more and more crazy.  This was the first time I seriously debated beating my child (no need to call CPS - I never would - but I have to be honest the thought crossed my mind).

While he calmed down somewhat when we got home, look at what happens when you follow-through on your discipline and remove the naughty child from the pumpkin patch.

And this was MELLOW compared to the 10 minute ride home - which felt like an hour. I had to apologize to our new neighbor's Mom for my child's attitude.

Oh and here he is 15 minutes later too....

He got more and more incoherent as the time passed. Think he's tired? Little snot never napped, but Mama sure wanted to drink after this one!

The entire day wasn't a bust, I will share the happy story and pictures next week.  This was so over the top though I had to share my "joy".  Start to finish I'd say this tantrum lasted an hour.

I'm auctioning this child off - look at all the pictures throughout this blog before you say no.  He does have a sweet side (the booze is making me remember that again).

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! Oh...that's great.
    That was a very deserved glass of wine, for sure.
