
October 4, 2010

Positive Reinforcement

We're taking another approach to the responsibility thing - as well as an attempt to try and get Drew to stop having accidents at school. 

When Grammy returned the duplicate puzzle he received from his Birthday, Drew picked out what he thought was another puzzle.  Turns out it was a responsibility chart.  Bonanza for this Mama who's been eying it at Target for a few months!

Obviously this was taken middle of last week, but it's proven to be very successful in rewarding Drew for good behavior.  He loves to put his "stickers" on the chart and then earn rewards for having perfect weeks - or even 4 days of  no accidents at school.

We managed to make it 3 full days until he had his accident at school - and he was so disappointed to not get his "Old McDonalds" reward that day after school.  Perhaps this could be what turns everything around?

I think we need to make a change on "set the table" (we rarely eat at the table) and change it to "No Nose-picking".  Maybe we can solve that problem too....


  1. WHAT? They don't have a "no nose picking" sticker? I'd call and complain! :)

    I've been eyeing this chart as well. Let me know how it goes.

  2. I've been looking for something too after Helen started with the boys... I'm gonna have to check this out at Target! Sounds like it's really working for Drew, that's awesome!!

  3. Gotta love good old-fashioned bribery :)
