
July 8, 2009

That Darn Cat!

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm soooo not a cat person. So when this stray cat (likely abandoned) came up to us on Thursday Evening as we were playing outside, I was kind of annoyed.

But then the cat took a liking to Drew, snuggling up to his leg and nearly knocking him off balance. My kid didn't seem to mind, as he continued to throw his "things" into the ivy. A few times he'd go right up to the cat's face, and sign cat. It was quite hilarious actually, and I almost started warming up to the cat.

After a while though the "snuggling" from the feline was getting mighty annoying so we called it a night, and moved the festivities indoors. The cat followed us right to the front door. Looking outside the screen door, Drew proceeded to sign both "outside" and "cat".

I guess the upside is at least he's not afraid of animals. I wouldn't want that either. Oh, and no, I never did warm up to that darn cat.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were going to say that you now have a pet cat! Lol
