
July 24, 2009

Mr. Troublemaker

My little monster was just that this morning... he's definitely entered the terrible two's a few months early.

Today while trying to get him dressed, he slapped me across the face - for no reason - which resulted into his finger in my eye. I slapped him back (on the hand) so he knew what it was like to be slapped. Then he got in trouble.

Less than five minutes later, we were in the bathroom to brush his hair. Little monster head butted me right in my left temple - and if you've ever seen Drew's head it's big and HARD! So he got in trouble again, and started screaming and crying so hard you'd think he was the one that got hurt.

He could get out of trouble by telling Mama he was sorry. That's when Mr. Troublemaker turned into Mr. Stubborn, and he kept telling me no. Daddy came into the bathroom to see what all the commotion was about, and to make Drew apologize to me. He listened to Daddy of course (why is it that when I say something -no results, Daddy says something and there's instant results), so the apology came, and the tears stopped. Ironically Dave had no idea why Drew was even in trouble, when he came to run interference.

Needless to say we warned Ms. Stephanie that Drew was in a mood today....

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, gotta love the respect of daddy over that of mommy. They start young, don't they?
