
October 11, 2011

Shhh He's Sleeping

So on Sunday we were headed to church and we were waiting for the light to make the the left into the church's driveway when suddenly this conversation took place:

Drew: (yelling) Shhhh turn down the radio Mommy.
Me: Why?
Drew: Because it's too noisy and he's trying to sleep.
Me: Who?
Drew: That deer over there (pointing to the side of the road at a dead deer)
Me: (holding back a chuckle) That's right honey he's just sleeping.
Drew: Shhh we have to be quiet because he's really tired, we can't wake him up.

And since we can't just have a tragic story about a dead deer... here's a picture from Drew's soccer practice the other day.
Don't you dig the matching cleats?  Gotta love Adidas hand me downs!

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