
July 16, 2010

If You Ever Wondered....

If you've ever wondered...
What happens when Uncle Matt has too much time on his hands?  Well he sends texts of funny pictures he creates with his iPhone. 

If you ever wondered...
What would Drew look like with an extra 20 pounds and a double chin?  Let me show you courtesy Uncle Matt's said iPhone.

I think someone needs a new hobby :)  But to his credit he didn't send one of me - THANK YOU!


  1. Dude...I'd heard Antioch was a busy busy place for the po po. Doesn't he have homicides to investigate?? (Other towns would just have robberies, the 'Yoch has the major stuff).
    I think that's a great dieting tool. I'm going to do that to me and post it on my fridge...I think I have body dismorphic reverse. I think I'm still a size 2, and then I look at a picture of myself or try to put on my old's like...Oh...yeah.

  2. Can his phone do the opposite? Take 20 pounds and the double chin off!

  3. This is great. Can he do this with my picture?? Oh, wait. My picture already looks like that! So sad :( HAHAHAHA!

  4. That is way too funny! Leave it to Uncle Matt!
