
September 17, 2009

Naptime Battle

So as I hinted at yesterday, there wasn't much sleeping going on for Drew's first nap attempt on Monday with his crib mattress on the ground. After about 30 minutes this is what we were listening to in between the whining and crying.

After about an hour-and-a-half nap time battle, we gave up. It was a no-nap kind of day.

However I confess that after two nights in his own bed (he's at Camp Grammy & GrampC now) he did remarkably well. We started really working on a bedtime routine of a story or two, and then music CD, and lights out. We've had to lay there for a while while he falls asleep, but he stays in there all night!

The first night (Monday/Tuesday), he woke up around 4am for an hour, and Daddy had to lay down with him. He fell back to sleep at around 5:45, and slept until 8:45... I think a new record. (Daddy did move back into our bed around 6am). Then Tuesday/Wednesday, he slept until 5:30 am, and never went back to sleep. I wouldn't either if I wet through my jammies and onto the bed.

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