
September 16, 2009

2 Year Well Check & Hands Update

Drew was busy showing his muscles at Monday's 2 year well check. Sorry for the grainy picture - it's from my cell phone.

Anyway, here are his stats:
Weight: 23 lbs 11 oz (6th %ile)
Length: 33 5/8" (28th %ile)
Head Circumference: 19 3/4" ( 83rd %ile)

The doctor was very impressed with his verbal skills, and was amazed when she asked about the butterflies on the wall and he was counting them.

Things that we could work on - getting him to eat healthy foods or anything besides chicken nuggets and fries, and sleeping in his own bed. We created a monster over the past few months when he's been sick - he sleeps in our bed most of the time.

So we have a few tips - switching to 2% milk and only giving it to him three times a day. Feeding him whatever we're eating, limiting the snacks, and while it'll be a few month process we should be able to get him to start eating fruits and veggies, and other meats.

Another step, moving his crib mattress to the floor. Since we're convinced he despises his crib (and pack n play at day care). So perhaps he'll sleep better while we look for a "big boy bed". We're actively watching Craigs List for Trundle beds.

Let's just say the first attempt at a nap on the floor didn't go very well.... I'll have a video of that tomorrow.

The doctor did look at his hands, and while they're discolored right now where the new skin is forming, she said we can expect that to remain for a few months. But we shouldn't see any scarring - even on his right hand which she was able to tell immediately was more severely burned.

All in all a fairly good visit. Drew ended up with the final Hepatitis A shot, and they don't want to see him back until his 3 year appointment. We will go back for a flu shot next month and then one month later for round 2. Other than that - we're hoping to avoid the doctor for a year... possible? There's always wishful thinking!

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