
September 4, 2009

Healing Hands

I'll warn you - these pictures may be slightly graphic or not what you want to see while eating. While they look a million times better than they did 3 weeks ago today when Drew burned them in the hot embers of our campfire, they're still pretty gnarly.

But these pictures I took last night shortly after the dressing change. We decided to leave both hands open to the air overnight. For the past two days we had the left hand completely exposed - here's that hand...

Not too bad, but the lighter pink areas are where the blisters once were. As you can sort of see from this shot, they covered a good chunk of his hand (fingertips too, but you'll have to take my word for it). Drew wasn't cooperating for this photo shoot as you can see.

And then the right hand was more severely burned - and slower to heal. I managed to capture this shot during a diaper change.

You can see the darker "scabby" looking areas on his palm. The top one under his ring finger was the first spot I saw prompting me to call the Dr. last Thursday for a re-check. Well, that "infection" looking area appears to be getting better, leaving only a scab-like thing on his hands. The finger tips on this hand are still really raw, as is his palm. The fingertips, we've had out of the "gloves" for the past two days, and we've noticed that he's babying them a little. However he has no problem going after and grabbing what he wants when he wants.

All in all, we're on the road to recovery. I just thought I'd share a less gruesome look at his hands. We're headed to Disneyland this weekend, and planning to recover his hands to prevent any germs from attacking this new skin. And we'll see later this morning whether we'll cover the right palm back up. We just wanted it to breathe overnight.

Thank you again for everyone's healthy wishes, prayers, candle lighting, and all. They're working!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Brenda, sorry Drew has been going through this, and you too. I hope he heals quickly from now on and can get back to being a carefree kid. Hugs to you all!
