
March 8, 2011

It's a Bird. No, It's a Plane...

On Saturday Drew was invited to a birthday party for his friend at school - coincidentally it's also his teacher's daughter (who we went to Tahoe with last month).  And this wasn't any ordinary birthday party, but a Spider-man party where the kids had to come in costume.

I managed to avoid the Rocky costume this time around - seeing as I didn't need Drew to pretend one of the other kids were Ivan Drago or Apollo Creed.  So we recycled an existing costume we had....

That's right, Drew was the man of steel - Superman! 

There's Drew standing in line to take his turn with the pinata... the birthday girl's older sister is to the right of Drew, and a few of his classmates are to the left of him.

While Drew was happy while he was there, he was less than thrilled to leave.  That was evident by the 45 minute tantrum he threw as we were leaving... the entire ride home... and after we got home.  Apparently leaving Ms. Stephanie's house (where the party was thrown) proved to be this Superman's kryptonite.   Needless to say a 3 year old's temperament can change faster than a speeding bullet - in case you were wondering

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