
March 29, 2012

This and That

Here's just a mish-mash of things I've discovered on my phone and details about Drew....

Several weeks ago - probably like a month or even two ago, Drew made this picture and it was posted at school.  It was likely based on a book they read that week.

The descriptions left to right (you can click on the picture to enlarge it a bit more):
Me caught in a trap doing pull-ups...
They are all watching me do pull-ups: "a one-eyed man", Grandma, Mom, Dad, & Grandpa

I had forgotten I'd even taken that photo!

Drew is still loving soccer on Saturday mornings.  It's more of a clinic at this age, teaching them how to listen, dribble and basic soccer skills.  Two or 3 weeks ago,  it was the final class of that session so they allowed parents on the field so Dave went (I was dressed up to attend a baby shower immediately after practice).

That's a shot of Drew trying to kick the ball at Dave who I believe was an alien in a spaceship (great casting if you ask me).

The other day I saw an interesting questionnaire come into my in-box courtesy BabyCenter (a website for parents and parents-to-be).  Dave's always going on about how he hopes Drew gets his vertical attributes from my side of the family - being as he has big aspirations of our son playing MLB.  So when I saw something that offered predictions of how tall Drew would be at age 18 I caved and entered the information.

The requirements were to enter his age/weight/sex.  Then the height of both Dave & I.  The prediction...

Your boy will likely be 6 ft. 0 in. at age 18.

Young men often continue to grow a little past 18 until they reach 21, but their height at age 18 is very close to their final adult height. This prediction is a "best guess" but it's still just that -- a guess. Based on the formula we used* there is a 50 percent chance that your boy's full-grown height will be within 0.8 inches (above or below) of this prediction, and a 90 percent chance that it will be within 2.1 inches.

That ought to please Dave - his son will likely be 2-3 inches taller than him, in fact taking after my side of the family.

And then this final bit of randomness comes from Drew earlier this week (no pictures, just a funny little story).  So on the way home from school Drew - who mind you never tells me what he did at school that day - comes out to tell me the following:

Drew: Roberto said I can go to his house and we can do wrestling.  It will be DrewPro versus Roberto. Then it will be Roberto's Mommy against Drew's Mommy.  And then it will be Roberto's Daddy against Drew's Daddy.  (and extra excitedly)  Roberto's Daddy has tattoos!

Really a tattoo announcement?  And the most bizarre thing, is 30 minutes later he repeated the same story - exactly - for Dave.  Clearly Drew thinks that tattoos make you extra hard to beat.

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