
April 6, 2011

I Can't Make This Stuff Up...

Seriously I cannot make this stuff up!    I can't get over the imagination of 3 1/2 year olds. The things that come out of his mouth are hysterical.  I really have no clue where it comes from.

For all of you Facebook followers, there are a few Drew-ism repeats (but one or two newbies), but because I don't document the things posted on Facebook I'll have to post them here - since this also acts as a chronicle of Drew's life.  Here are a few recent conversations with the imaginative 3 YO.

3/18 -
Me: "Drew, get his finger out of his nose"
Drew:  "I can't. A sharp snail crawled up there and I have to get it out." 

3/21 -
Drew: "You can't wash my face, because then it'll fall off my head, and that would be bad."
Me:  "We'll take our chances."

3/23 -
So I'm reading in bed, and Drew was shocked I wasn't reading out loud.  Here's how the conversation went down:

Drew:  "Mommy you're not reading."
Me: "Yes I am, I'm just reading in my head.  Like when you have thoughts on the inside."
Drew: "I don't have any."
Me: "You don't have any thoughts?"
Drew: "No, the batteries died."

I DIED laughing and called Dave over to replay what happened.  It then went into a discussion about how we replace Drew's batteries. (you need a charger - in case you're wondering LOL)

3/26 -
Drew: "My boogers look like popcorn!" (as he's rolling a fresh one around on his fingertips)
Me: "Um, how do they look like popcorn?"
Drew: "They are white and yellow - like popcorn"

Thankfully he didn't decide to eat this popcorn...

And just to give you a photo for this post... here's a wiped out Drew from almost 2 weeks ago.

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