
November 5, 2010

Nature Walk

The other day while Dave was off for yet another softball game or two, I decided to take Drew out for a little hike at a nearby Regional Park.  Of course when I told Drew we were going to a park, he had visions of a slide and swings.  I squashed his hopes and told him, he was going for an old fashioned walk with mom and he could go stick hunting (he remembered doing this with his friends Aaron, Mitchell and Jake in Minnesota a few months ago).

So we set out for a new park (new to us anyway) and we walked through the trees and cows.  Drew had fun asking a million questions about why cows go poop on the ground instead of the potty.

Of course I took advantage of the limited daylight left and snapped a few shots.

 As we got deeper into our hike, Drew noticed many of the trees were leaning.  I tried to explain in terms I thought a three year old could understand about the trees leaning to find the sun.... well that lead to another million questions about why they do that. 

I happened to catch him just as his little brain was processing the reason the trees lean (and why some of them fall and break).

Despite my battling yet another sinus issue, Drew and I managed to make it a great evening with a 45-minute hike followed by a dinner date at Applebees (his choice).  I guess that hike was "rough," he ate every last bite of his dinner - which doesn't usually happen at restaurants.

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