
June 4, 2009

Baby's Friend

Drew's friend "Baby" has some competition. Meet "Baby".

That's right, his Prayer Bear is facing some competition from the other "baby", the precious moments doll. It's really quite adorable to see him cuddle with his two friends.

They both say prayers and I think he loves the fact that the toys talk to him. He's really cuddling them at night, and they both came to day care with him last week. Of course he walked in the door at Ms. Stephanie's and he tossed them aside for the much more appealing toys at her house.

But really it's interesting to see him interact with them, giving them hugs and kisses and talking to them. He's really starting to get quite the imagination.

Dodger Dog has made a comeback though - his longtime favorite friend. We'll see if we can capture that reunion one of these days.

***illness update... Fever appears to be breaking this morning... however he needs to be fever free for 24 hours to go back to day care. Dave & I are taking turns staying home with him and adjusting our work schedules accordingly. It was a rough evening last night, fever was still in the 101.5 range, but he seemed to be having a harder time with it. Not to mention he's having trouble sleeping (up this morning at 4:30am) and eating... Poor thing.

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