
November 19, 2012

Our Little Carnie

Being the good parent I am I volunteered our family to work a shift at the Carnival PTA fundraiser for Drew's school.  We worked his classroom's booth - the Lollipop Tree.

If you're not familiar with this game, kids paid with tickets to pick one lollipop.  If their lollipop had a colored dot on the bottom, they got to pick a stuffed animal prize.  If they didn't they just got to keep the sucker.

We worked our one hour shift and then let Drew run wild playing all the various games put on by each grade.  Guess which game was Drew's favorite.

Angry Birds of course.  While Drew had fun with that booth, it was nothing compared to the fun at his birthday party.

I have to say we all had a great time at the carnival.  I don't know why we haven't been to one before.

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