
June 21, 2012

Week of Activity

What is a parent to do when their child is gone from 7:30am - 8:30 at night?  Celebrate and do whatever the heck they want!

This is VBS week at the church where Drew goes to Preschool. It was the first time he was age eligible and know what - he's loving it!  When I go pick him up, he's busy singing the songs he learned that day (he's also falling asleep to the CD for VBS) and speaking of sleep he's conking out without battle!  That makes this mama love it to!

He is really getting into the themes for VBS too - Tuesday was sports day so Daddy put him in a Dodger jersey.  Come to think of it, I think it was Drew's idea.  But yesterday it was crazy hat day.   This is the text I got from Dave as they were headed out the door (Drew has been sleeping in because VBS is that exhausting).

Safe to say it was a crazy hat?!

Today it was Hawaiian day, but it's cooler so he's just wearing a shirt with some palm trees and jeans.  We packed him a couple of leis to make it more festive.

The other cool thing about VBS is they serve him dinner.  I spoke to one of his teachers and they said he's been doing pretty darn well with the food issue - being the pick eater that he is.  They said he's tried something virtually every day - without gagging/puking.  Could this be progress?

Would it be bad of me to look for other VBS programs around town?  The sign went up for another church up the street from his announcing one for next month.... hmmmmm....

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