
August 6, 2009

Purple "Fowers"

If you have hung out with Drew in the past few months, and he comes across these flowers - you'd think he just received a million bucks. OK, so Drew still gets equally excited over a penny as he would a $100 bill, but these purple flowers are so enthralling!

He has to stop and comment at every purple flower he sees. When we're in the car, it's a game as to when and where he will see "purple flower". When he spots one, he screams "Oooh, 'nother purple fower" (yes he leaves the "L" out of flower).

What the name of this plant is I have no clue - I don't exactly have a green thumb. But I remember them growing up as plants that would attract snails.

Drew's favorite thing to do with them when we're out front playing - to go right up to them, as if he's smelling them. Looking at them, analyzing them with great interest - and then whacking it as if he's giving it a high-five or something.

So don't be surprised if you hear some screeching from nearby, and Drew's eagerly showing you the "Purple Fowers".


  1. Lol...
    It's an Agapanthus.
    Even though I haven't dug in the dirt in more than a year, I still remember some things.
    How cute that he gives them a high five!

  2. That's our boy!!! Boy enough to cheer the sports teams, but gentle enough to love a flower.
