
April 12, 2012

Real Birthday Party for Imaginary Friend

Someday when Drew is in therapy as a result of our parenting, hopefully he remembers this one cool thing Dave did. (I can't take credit for it - I just snapped the picture).

 Let me give you a little background... Drew has an imaginary pet fly named Fido.  Some of you parents may recognize Fido from Nick Jr.'s The Upside Down Show.  I'm not sure that it's on anymore since the station has redone it's line-up within the past month or so.

But anyway, for about a year now Drew has talked about his pal Fido. Most kids blame their younger siblings for doing something they themselves did wrong.  The downside of being an only child there isn't really anyone to blame - well unless you have an imaginary pet fly named Fido.  Drew farts - and you give him the "look" to say excuse me - he says "Fido did it".  I therefore need to ask Fido to say "excuse me".

You walk into your bedroom to find your bed naked - sheets, comforter and pillows on the floor - Fido did it.

You ask who made a mess of all the toys?  Fido.

You want Drew to sleep in his own room, but he's scared - you ask him to have Fido protect him.  Drew tells you Fido is sleeping in the hole of our bedroom doorknob (the key hole) and cannot be disturbed.

Yes, this is Fido.

Well on our way home from School on Monday Drew announced it was Fido's Birthday on April 6th.  So when I mentioned that that was last week - he quickly asked what today was and I said April 9th.  He said "Oh yeah today, April nine, is Fido's Birthday".

Fast forward that night as Drew is supposed to get ready for bed, he wanted to tell Daddy that it was Fido's Birthday.  So Dave said, "Well let's get him some cake and sing Happy Birthday".  The way Dave tells it (I was getting things ready for Drew to go to bed) was Drew didn't really think there was cake. But we had some leftover bunny cake from Easter.  Then Dave pulled out a candle.  Dave said at this point Drew couldn't believe we were really going to have a little party for Fido the imaginary pet fly.

And then the two of them sang Happy Birthday - yes to Fido.

Since Fido was so little and couldn't blow the candle out - Drew had to help.

Since it was bedtime Drew wasn't allowed to eat sugar that would just keep him up, so Daddy "sacrificed" himself to do it.  (Mind you this was no sacrifice since he gave up sweets for Lent).  And there you have it - why we had a real birthday party for an imaginary friend.

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