
December 10, 2012

The Perfect Child

I have a bit of a Mommy brag - but I have the world's best child. Seriously.

Let me preface this blog by saying you probably don't want to read while eating...

Let's start with a little background. Wednesday night/Thursday morning Drew woke up in the middle of the night spewing everywhere. This went on every 30 minutes for hours!

Needless to say he ruined his perfect attendance at school that Thursday. I planned to stay home with him in the AM and then head to work while Dave took the afternoon shift.

Trouble is, about 30 minutes before Dave's shift started, this Mama caught the "Drew Bug". So I ended up working from home the next two days.

Friday evening while Dave was making dinner and about 15 minutes after bragging he was overlooked by this illness - BAM!! He spent the better part of the evening into the morning in the bathroom.

So back to me, Saturday I had a 1/2 Marathon scheduled and despite not being able to train due to weather and illness (sinus and other stuff) I decided I'd still go out there and know it won't be my best time... I just wanted the medal. Big mistake. Big. HUGE!

The second I walked in the door I lost it all and couldn't keep anything down. all. day. long. So I was bedridden (minus my runs to the bathroom) and Dave was bedridden most of the day.

Poor Drew was in his PJs all day long left to fend for himself. He did pop into the room looking for attention periodically and we played a couple of games, but for the most part our 5YO was fending for himself. And he was an angel! No harassing. No whining. No complaining. The perfect child.

Thankfully Dave turned a corner later in the day and made everyone dinner (which I managed to keep down). And gave Drew some much needed attention.

Sunday I was still only at 30% but had to take Drew to Sunday School - they are practicing for their Christmas Show and I had to set up the altar (hopefully I didn't share cooties). I came home and stayed in bed the better part of the day.

Dave was at about 75% and took Drew out for lunch and a bike ride to the park - poor kid had cabin fever. When he's home he's been doing his workbook (the picture above). Still never once complaining about anything.

When I picked him up at school tonight, he was so happy I wasn't going straight to bed. He said "mommy I take care of you when you're sick and give you get better powers. Just like you did for me."

See? Perfect child.

Remind me of this story the next time I complain about attitude problems....

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