
July 29, 2010

2-Year Old Logic

I can't say that it's due to starting preschool, but within the past few weeks, Drew has really learned to reason and use logic on us.  It's a daily occurrence to hear the following from Drew:

  • "First I lay in bed, then I wake up, then we go to school" - As stated last night before bed
  • "We don't go to bed yet.  It's not dark".  - His ploy to stay up a big longer
  • "I make you proud, then that makes you happy"
  • "First we go to school, then you pick me up and we go home"
  • "No we no pick up flash cards.  We make a mess first, then we pick up all the toys"
I do have to say that we're hearing a lot more random conversations since Drew started school - of course as I try to recall them nothing comes to mind.  It's amazing how much of  a transformation he's made in his verbal skills in just a few days.

On the preschool front - drop off yesterday went well.  No tears.  You know he likes school when we go to pick him up and he tells us "Just a minute.  I get to swing now".

His teachers complimented him (and us) yesterday saying he was very smart, and we were teaching him well."  We can take some of the credit, but Ms. Stephanie did just as much (if not more) than we did.  I mean she's the one who taught him his Presidents!

Update as of 8:13am - Dropping Drew off this morning went so well I actually had to call him back to give me a hug and a kiss.  Then one of the teachers said how smart he was and that he could advance to the next class already.  It was said in passing, and I think that has yet to be determined, but what a great compliment to Drew!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of my little boy! I think he said something like "That was Amazing! Did you see that?" It's so crazy to think that I could just about have a real conversation with him. Wow!
