
May 11, 2010

"What the Turtle?"

As if my son wasn't already a little mimicker, he has now picked up some bad "speaking" habits from someone at our house - who shall remain nameless (but for the record it isn't me).

It started the middle of last week when I go to pick up Drew from day care, and Ms. Stephanie mentions Drew dropped an F-bomb. She wasn't sure she heard him right, so she asked him to repeat it a few times.  For a while now Drew has said "What the Heck" - but this time while he was already sitting in time out, he blurted out "What the F*#@".

After Ms Stephanie realized he was actually cussing - she tried to explain to Drew that it was a bad word, and we don't say that.  She wanted him to say "What the Turtle" instead.

Fast Forward to Saturday morning and while Daddy was sleeping in (not that this is different than any other day) but my angelic little son was climbing on his little chair and says clear as day "What the F*#@!"  I instantly begin scolding him how we don't say that word - and Drew announced "We say 'What the Turtle'".

I said yes, he can say "What the turtle", but if I hear him saying the bad word again I will wash his mouth out with soap.

Drew starts processing this as all two year olds do, and rather than using his "inside voice" he thinks aloud and says "We don't say 'What the F*#@' we say..." I didn't let him get that far when I scolded him again for swearing.  Thankfully hasn't done it since.

Of course we were out and about later this weekend and he yelled "What the Turtle".

Needless to say, the nameless person who taught my sweet, adorable child this potty mouth is in the doghouse.  And of course denies ever cursing in front of said child.  Uh, huh.... right...... that darn Elmo is swearing on those videos again.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!!!
    Oh, I can just picture that little monkey saying that as he climbed up his little chair...too funny! Not for you but for all your followers.
    Maybe he could do it during the real quiet part of church and give you material for your next blog!!! LOL
    "What the turtle." That's a good one. I'll have to remember that one.
    We've used soap here once and it was for backtalking. Works great! Nice little dollop of liquid Dawn spread on the palate...
