
July 13, 2011

When Preschool Asks You to Call in the Middle of the Day...

It's not a good sign when the preschool asks you to call to talk to your child because he's having "a difficult" day. 

When I call, his teacher tells me he first punched a new boy in the face because he walked across some letters he was playing with on the floor.  Drew started using his words to complain about the child walking across his letters, the boy argued back and that's when Drew went all Rocky on him.  Time out given.

Then Drew continues with the aggressive attitude and pushes other kids for various violations and then proceeds to throw out his "Well you're not coming to my birthday party" argument.  He uses this as a way of fighting back when he's ticked.

In the background as the teacher is passing the phone to Drew I hear a Time Out being given to him, and then here's the conversation between Drew and I:

Me: Drew are you being naughty?
Drew: Yes, I kicked her.
Me: Why did you kick her?
Drew: Because she told me I couldn't marry her.
Me: Because she said you couldn't marry her? Do you kick your friends?....  I then continue to lecture him and tell him he has to go to time out.

When his teacher comes back on the phone, she mentions he's seemed to regress with the aggression and not using his words now that the preschool is combined - all kids together, rather than his smaller group setting during the year. 


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