
June 13, 2013

Kindergarten Sings

Another overdue post... but it's fitting to share this with you today on Drew's last day of Transitional Kindergarten.

On May 22nd, parents were invited to see the TKers play the flute (recorder) and sing.  On Wednesdays the kids from AM and PM come together so this is both classes.

Drew is in the center, 2nd row kind of below the "I" in Sing

Here's a closer shot.

The concert began with the kids playing the flute.  I wasn't sure what to expect - I remember not playing the recorder until I was in about 3rd grade.  Turns out the kids play one note per song - they learned a total of 3 notes (B-A-G).  Here are a couple of videos of them playing the recorder/flute:

This was the first song they did:

 And another song where the sing in Spanish (this is for you Abuela!!)

After they were done singing and playing the flute a lot of parents thought the concert was over, but oh no, they did several more songs just singing.  Here's one final video for you.

They finished up with the pledge of allegiance (they still say "One Nation Under God") and walked back to their room where there were refreshments for the kids and parents.

Our little star.... Dave and I had to head back to work so we didn't stay.  The concert lasted about an hour!

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