
November 1, 2011

Hey Yo... Trick or Treat

Um, in case you haven't noticed... Drew was going to be Rocky Balboa for Halloween.  We started the day at work and he trick or treated at my co-worker's desks (I provided the candy).

We came home from work early since Drew had had enough and relaxed for a bit before getting ready for the real thing.

Daddy joined us for a few homes, then had to get to his thing... scaring the neighborhood kids.

He said there weren't as many kids this time around.  Either they moved away or perhaps they decided to hit up different neighborhoods.

Drew had a great time in the beginning but after about an hour (and one candy drop-off) he was finished.  I think it was the other scary house in the neighborhood that had a coffin with a monster trying to get out.  His costume was a hit though!  Everyone thought he was just a boxer until he turned around and they saw the "Balboa" on his back... then they would all yell out something.  Drew even did a "Yo Adrian I did it" once for a couple of ladies.

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