
November 19, 2013

Kindergarten - Report Card

The first trimester is complete for Kindergarten and we had Drew's parent teacher conference as well as received his first report card of the year.  I'll get to the "grades" in a moment, but first the highlighted notes.

She said Drew was very smart, off the chart for everything and her biggest challenge is to make sure he stays challenged and feels so.  She commented that he's lacking modesty (my paraphrasing) and being a bit of a know it all (again my paraphrasing).  So we'll work on him with that... I think its a bit of maturity.

She also mentioned that Drew has some work to do in the social development area - things that all of his teachers have said since day one and the sole reason we did Transitional Kindergarten last year instead of pushing him into Kindergarten.  She said he's short tempered at times and I added the "disrespectful" comment when he's mad... and while she was polite about it she agreed.  It's one of the things we're constantly working with Drew on.

OK so the grades.... we still aren't receiving letter grades, but rather:
  •  √ (checkmark) = Meets/Exceeds Standard
  • O = Working Toward Standard
  • AC = Area of Concern
  • X - Not Taught yet/Assessed
* Some X items are no longer graded in Kindergarten under the Common Core Standard taught at our schools

Language Arts
Word Analysis, Fluency, Systematic Vocabulary Development
Identifies Concepts of print (left to right, spacing words, top to bottom - √
Names uppercase letters (26) -26
Names uppercase letters (26) - 26
Names & identifies all letter sounds - consonants- √
Names & identifies all letter sounds - vowels - √
Phonemic Awareness (oral) - Blends sounds - √
Phonemic Awareness (oral) - Substitutes sounds - X
Phonemic Awareness (oral) - Segments Sounds - √
Identifies/produces rhyming words - identify - √
Identifies/produces rhyming words - Produce -O
     (she commented that he was stumped trying to rhyme for "sun")
Distinguishes beginning and ending sounds - Beginning - √
Distinguishes beginning and ending sounds -Ending - √
Reads sight words and CVC words - Sight words - √
Reads sight words and CVC words -CVC - √
Identifies the number of words in sentences and syllables in words - X

Reading Comprehension/Literary Response
Uses pictures and context to make predictions about story content - √
Retells familiar stories including character, setting and important events - X
Asks and answers questions about story elements - √

Writing Strategies, Applications, Conventions
Writes name correctly, First - √
Writes name correctly, Last - X
Writes upper and lower case letters independently - √
Writes consonant - vowel - consonant words - √
Writes from left to right and top to bottom with proper spacing - √
Writes words and brief sentences that are legible - √
Uses letter and phonetically spelled words to write about a specific topic - √

Listening and Speaking
Shares ideas using complete sentences - √
Recites short poems, rhymes and songs - X
Narrates personal experiences - √

Number Sense
Counts objects accurately to 30 - √
Represents 10 or less by grouping objects - √
Understands more than/less than/equal - √
Counts by 1 - √
Counts by 2 - X
Counts by 5 - X
Counts by 10 - X
Recognizes numbers to 30 - √
Writes numbers to 30 - √
Uses estimation strategies -X
Demonstrates the concept of +/- with objects - X

Algebra and Function
Identifies, sorts and classifies objects by attribute - √

Measurement and Geometry
Compares length, weight, and volume - X
Understands time concepts - O
    *she said his struggle was confirming what day yesterday was, today and tomorrow
Names the days of the week - √
Identifies geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle) - √
Describes common geometric shapes - √
Identifies 3-dimensional shapes (sphere, cone, cube, cylinder) - √

Statistics/Data Analysis/Probability
Understands and uses pictographs - X
Recognizes/describes/extends patterns - X

Mathematical reasoning
Models and explains problems/solutions - X

Science - Earth Life Physical
Observes and compares - O
Communicates findings and observations - O

Social Studies
Geographic, Historical and community concepts - O

Creative Arts
Participates in music, art drama - O

Social Development
Exhibits self control - O
Follows Classroom rules - √
Follows Playground rules - √
Respects others and their property - O
Takes responsibility for own actions - O
Cooperative with adults - O
Resolves conflicts verbally - √
Participates in classroom activities - √

Work Habits
Follows Directions - √
Completes tasks in a timely manner - √
Works neatly and carefully - √
Maintains appropriate attention span - √
Works independently - √
Works well with others - √
Follows classroom routines - √
Exhibits organizational skills - √
Returns notes and homework - √

Physical Development
Gross Motor skills (i.e. hop, balance, ball skills etc.) - O
   * mostly because she doesn't really monitor/grade this
Fine motor skills - (i.e. cut, copy, pencil, control etc.) - √

NOTES: Drew is a bright student who often gets right to any task at hand.  His rich prior knowledge base adds to our class discussions.  We'll set a goal for Drew to work towards in the coming trimester at conference time.

Other fun stories - 
She mentioned there is a new student who doesn't speak much English and is shy.  Drew has taken to him and is working on teaching him how to write or do whatever task is at hand.  One day he was so excited and shouted across the room "He's getting it! He's actually doing it!"  Apparently he was quite the teacher, proud of his "student".

She also mentioned she wants Drew to do some extra projects STEM to create things at home/homework and then come to school to discuss them further.

We have the online reading program - Raz-Kids - that Drew will read books online and take quizzes to progress and challenge him.  She wants to encourage him to do this during computer time at school.  Currently he's reluctant to do so because other kids are doing something else.

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