
May 18, 2009

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho - to Camp Grammy's We Go

It's sleep away camp for Drew this week at "Camp Grammy's"! Mommy is traveling to Kansas City this week for work, and Daddy has a busy week filled with deadlines and softball. So it's Grammy to the rescue! We dropped him off at their house on Sunday afternoon.

Pushing 100-degrees at Grammy & GrampC's house, the festivities quickly moved outdoors where we could play in the waterpark - otherwise known as the backyard. Grammy had an awesome find at a garage sale, with a "pool" that had "built in" sprinklers. Ask Grammy about the broken pool - haha.

And next to the "sprinkler pool" was another more traditional pool with warmer water. The waterpark was so inviting even Mommy & Daddy dipped their toes into it. Of course the only reason we did, was to get Drew get out of the grass and into the water... not the fact it was scorching hot.

After about an hour or so we left Drew to his Grammy & GrampC's Adventures. Grammy is starting a blog of her own, so be sure to stay up to date with Drew here! But have no fear - I have plenty of blogs of my own ready to go this week as well!

For the record, this is the longest stretch Daddy has been away from Drew since he was born - unfortunately this is not mine.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that splash pad looks awesome!!! I may have to get me one of those...
