
September 12, 2014

Mommy's Birthday Letter to Drew - Age 7

Dear Drew,

Lucky number seven - Happy Birthday!  You're so excited to grow up, but please cherish these young years - they go by so fast.  Take a moment to look around and enjoy the moment.  First grade!  You're one confident boy, and I love seeing you interact with other kids.  The stories you all share and conversations - albeit likely about MineCraft - are so fun to listen to.

Girls?  You may think they're gross and weird right now, but I see you showing off for them and acting silly, so I know you like them  Someday you're going to make one of those girls very happy!  Just remember to be yourself, your manners, and the right way to treat people.

I still love our nightly conversations - and our reading time. I love when you ask "Can you read me Harry Potter?".  I know you could do it yourself if you wanted to, but it's so special, I'm enjoying that reading time and adventure with you.  I'm sure it's soon to come to an end and I'll miss it as much as our cuddle time.

In the past year we've seen so many changes:

- You fight for what you believe and you don't let anyone take advantage of you. If they do you let them hear it.  Good for you!  Although sometimes you aren't going to be right and sometimes you need to let the other person "win" even if you are or think you're right.  Compromise is good.

- I love that you defend your friends from "bullies".  Keep it up.  As we've told you, you will likely get in trouble at school, but as long as you aren't "throwing the first punch" you won't be in trouble at home.  I love that you can resolve most of these altercations with words.  Keep it up!

- Keep reading!  Keep learning!  Keep asking questions!  I love how inquisitive you are and how you ask questions until you've depleted every possible answer out of a person.

- You're a perfectionist.  While this is good, you need to remember to cut yourself some slack... but not too much.

- I love that while you like time with your friends, you still like your solo time.  That's such an important skill to have.

- Sports, you're Dad's Mini-me.  We've seen so much imrovement in your abilities.  Everything from switch hitting this season in Rookie Ball to being more aggressive in soccer.  That's awesome!  Keep it up.  Play with passion because when the passion dies, it's time to leave the sport.

You really are a loveable boy - everyone who comes across you tells us that.  While I think so (I'm admittedly bias) it's always reaffirming that others feel the same way. While I hate that you're growing up, I love seeing who you're growing up to be.    So here's to another year of adventures and fun.

I love you to Neptune and back infinity times,


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