
March 19, 2014

Kindergarten Report Card - 2nd Trimester

We had Drew's second and final Parent/Teacher conference today for Kindergarten - marking the end of the second trimester.  Overall nothing really new was covered, so most of our time was spent on how we should transition him into 1st grade and what to expect.  She continues to work on challenging him, but she said he will be grouped with similar peers next year and will likely have various reading/math classes in other rooms for the additional challenge.

She said his DRA level is still at a 16 (where he was at the first trimester) but she knows he can read well  above that. His issue is retelling the story - you have to really pry things out of him to get to respond to the question.  We spent a bit of time chatting about how much of it is that Drew likes to just get things done quickly and take the road with the least amount of work/effort.  I being the kind parent I am referred to it as laziness, his teacher called it maturity.  She said she really only can go by the assessment in front of her, but she suspects that laziness/maturity may very well be a part of it.

OK so the grades.... we still aren't receiving letter grades, but rather:

  •  √ (checkmark) = Meets/Exceeds Standard
  • O = Working Toward Standard
  • AC = Area of Concern
  • X - Not Taught yet/Assessed
* Some X items are no longer graded in Kindergarten under the Common Core Standard taught at our schools
* I will put first trimester reports in the ( )

Language Arts
Word Analysis, Fluency, Systematic Vocabulary Development
Identifies Concepts of print (left to right, spacing words, top to bottom - √ (√)
Names uppercase letters (26) -26 (26)
Names uppercase letters (26) - 26 (26)
Names & identifies all letter sounds - consonants- √ (√)
Names & identifies all letter sounds - vowels - √ (√)
Phonemic Awareness (oral) - Blends sounds - √ (√)
Phonemic Awareness (oral) - Substitutes sounds -  O (X)
     * She noted he missed 1 question.  She asked if you have the word B-I-G and you replace the G with a T, what is the word (no writing it down).  He said tib instead of bit.
Phonemic Awareness (oral) - Segments Sounds - √ (√)
Identifies/produces rhyming words - identify - √ (√)
Identifies/produces rhyming words - Produce - √ (O)
Distinguishes beginning and ending sounds - Beginning - √ (√)
Distinguishes beginning and ending sounds -Ending - √ (√)
Reads sight words and CVC words - Sight words - √ (√)
Reads sight words and CVC words -CVC - √ (√)
Identifies the number of words in sentences and syllables in words - √ (X)

Reading Comprehension/Literary Response
Uses pictures and context to make predictions about story content - √ (√)
Retells familiar stories including character, setting and important events - O (X)
    *again the note here was that you sometimes have to pull teeth to get the information out of him.   
       We all know he knows it, he's just not being forthcoming with the information
Asks and answers questions about story elements - √ (√)

Writing Strategies, Applications, Conventions
Writes name correctly, First - √ (√)
Writes name correctly, Last - X (X) (they don't assess this in K)
Writes upper and lower case letters independently - √ (√)
Writes consonant - vowel - consonant words - √ (√)
Writes from left to right and top to bottom with proper spacing - √ (√)
Writes words and brief sentences that are legible - √ (√)
Uses letter and phonetically spelled words to write about a specific topic - √ (√)

Listening and Speaking
Shares ideas using complete sentences - √ (√)
Recites short poems, rhymes and songs - X (X) - not done in K anymore
Narrates personal experiences - √ (√)

Number Sense
Counts objects accurately to 30 - √ (√)
Represents 10 or less by grouping objects - √ (√)
Understands more than/less than/equal - √ (√)
Counts by 1 - √ (√)
Counts by 2 - X (X)
Counts by 5 - X (X)
Counts by 10 - √  (X)
   * she stated he can go well beyond the 100 she wanted him to do.
Recognizes numbers to 30 - √ (√)
Writes numbers to 30 - √ (√)
Uses estimation strategies - X (X)
Demonstrates the concept of +/- with objects - √ (X)
   * she mentioned he can do beyond what she was asking (she knew he can do multiplication too)

Algebra and Function
Identifies, sorts and classifies objects by attribute - √ (√)

Measurement and Geometry
Compares length, weight, and volume - √ (X)
Understands time concepts -  √ (O)
Names the days of the week - √ (√)
Identifies geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle) - √ (√)
Describes common geometric shapes - √ (√)
Identifies 3-dimensional shapes (sphere, cone, cube, cylinder) - √ (X)

Statistics/Data Analysis/Probability
Understands and uses pictographs - X (X) Not done in K
Recognizes/describes/extends patterns - X (X) Not Done in K

Mathematical reasoning
Models and explains problems/solutions - √  (X)

Science - Earth Life Physical
Observes and compares - O (O)
Communicates findings and observations - O (O)

Social Studies
Geographic, Historical and community concepts - O (O)

Creative Arts
Participates in music, art drama - √ (O)

Social Development
Exhibits self control - O (O)
    *she's seeing progress with his "perfectionism" and his ability to manage difficult situations or
       things out of his comfort zone.
Follows Classroom rules - √ (√)
Follows Playground rules - √ (√)
Respects others and their property - √ (O)
Takes responsibility for own actions - O (O)
Cooperative with adults - O (O)
Resolves conflicts verbally - √ (√)
Participates in classroom activities - √ (√)

Work Habits
Follows Directions - √ (√)
Completes tasks in a timely manner - √ (√)
Works neatly and carefully - √ (√)
Maintains appropriate attention span - √ (√)
Works independently - √ (√)
Works well with others - √ (√)
Follows classroom routines - √ (√)
Exhibits organizational skills - √ (√)
Returns notes and homework - √ (√)

Physical Development
Gross Motor skills (i.e. hop, balance, ball skills etc.) -  √ (O)
Fine motor skills - (i.e. cut, copy, pencil, control etc.) - √ (√)

Teacher Comments: 
Drew shows growth in participation and respecting others.  We'll continue to support Drew to branch out and take more risks in areas he's less comfortable in as well as support him in coping with frustration.  He has often shown support for others in class when they make a breakthrough in learning!  We'll set a goal for Drew to work towards in this last trimester.

Bottom line it was a great report and great feedback. 

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