
January 23, 2012

Living Room Campout

Friday night we had a living room campout - the campers Drew, Mason and Troy.  That's right we hosted a sleepover for Drew's friends.  Think of it as returning the favor for our friends - from September!  Better late than never right?

The boys did great!  They were super excited when I picked them up from their house and school and we came home.  They all enjoyed playing our new wii and Mason (he's the oldest at 6) was impressing everyone with his awesome gaming skills.  We had a brief break for pizza and then they were back at the wii.  Around 7:30 we put on a movie (The Incredibles - Drew's new favorite movie) and then had a living room campout.

While I had big plans about having all three boys sleeping in Drew's room with the Trundle bed, they had other plans.  They wanted to sleep right in the living room - with several lights on of course.  No problem.

The next morning they were going to come with us to Drew's soccer practice, but at the last minute Mason and Troy wanted to stay behind and play - what else - but wii.  They passed the time quickly with Drew and after they got home all three boys wanted to play playdough.

They made plenty of food for Dave and I to eat.  I expected cabin fever from these three since we couldn't go outside due to rain, but they had a blast inside.  I think they were all a bit tired from having so much fun - bed at 10:30, up at 6:30am.  Drew fell asleep later that day while running errands at Costco.  I heard the other two took naps as well on Saturday. 

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